14 Best and Worst Foods for Your Liver

1. Red meat
Red meat is high in saturated fat. A study published in the journal Obesity showed that people who ate more red meat had higher cholesterol levels than those who consumed less. In addition, a person eating red meat may have increased risk for heart disease.
2. Dairy products
A report published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2003 concluded that cows fed a diet rich in soybeans and corn had lower milk production than dairy cows fed a diet of grass hay. Cows fed diets rich in grains produce less nutritious milk and have more fatty deposits around their udders. However, some studies indicated that consuming milk provides protection against certain cancers.
3. Processed meats
Processed meats are often made from beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, and seafood. These meats are preserved with salt, sugar, and spices. According to an article published in the American Cancer Society’s journal Cancer Causes & Control, processed meats increase colon cancer risk.
4. Fried foods
5. Bacon
6. Fried food consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes. Diets loaded with fried food tend to be low in fiber and high in saturated fats.
7. Hot dogs
8. High-fat cheese
9. Salad dressings
10. French fries
11. Pizza

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