Easy Ways to Cut Mega Calories

  1. Drink Water Instead of Soda, Juice Or Alcoholic Beverages
    Drinking water may sound like common sense but it’s actually the first thing many people neglect. As a rule of thumb, aim for consuming six to eight glasses of water each day. This can vary depending on your weight, body type, exercise regime, environment, etc. If you are thirsty then you already need some fluids. That said, drinking water is much better than drinks that contain sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, or alcohol. These drinks have no nutritional value and only add empty calories to your diet. In fact, they can be quite harmful since they not only cause dehydration, but they also leave you feeling bloated and tired. Drinking water keeps your mind clear and helps your body stay hydrated. When you’re thirsty, your brain sends out signals that tell you to drink something – so if you’re drinking enough water each day, you won’t need to rely on other unhealthy foods to quench your thirst.
  2. Keep Your Hands Busy!
  3. Eat Some Vegetables and Fruit
    Vegetables and fruits provide your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other
    nutrients. They’re also low-calorie foods that help keep your appetite under control.
  4. Eat Breakfast! The first meal of the day could not be simpler, nor easier… eat breakfast. Research shows that people who eat breakfast are less likely to use food to make themselves feel good (like eating cookies at night). In addition, those who have breakfast tend to consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day than those who skip this meal.
  5. When it comes to keeping yourself busy, no activity is better than holding hands. Studies show that simply gripping something can improve concentration and memory. When you keep your hands busy, they don’t have time to do anything else that triggers cravings.