What Yoga Teaches Us about Stretching

Yoga teaches us how to stretch our muscles without causing damage. In a similar manner we can stretch our minds to learn positive ways of thinking. Through meditation we can improve our mental well-being. We can even utilize yoga to boost creativity.
1. Relaxation
The first step in learning to stretch the mind is to relax the body. When we tense our muscles, they become rigid and difficult to move. By relaxing them, we allow them to lengthen and become more flexible. Our bodies are constantly moving throughout the day; however, we often do not pay attention to what we are doing. By consciously paying attention to any movement in our body, we can develop awareness and control over our body.
2. Breathing
Breathing is the most obvious way to calm our mind. When we breathe deeply, we oxygenate our blood and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our system. By breathing slowly and deeply, we can slow down the rate at which thoughts run through our mind and clear our head. To aid in slowing down our thought process we should take deep breaths while focusing on each breath.
3. Concentration
Concentration helps us focus on something specific. When we have a single task in mind, we can concentrate on just that task without being distracted by anything else. If we want to think of nothing, we can focus solely on our breathing. However, if we want to think of something, we can direct our concentration toward our desired target.
4. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of where we are in space, time, and space. This concept is related to concentration but focuses on the present moment. While concentrating on something, thoughts may still run through our mind. But when we observe those thoughts, we can let go of them and be mindful of our current situation. Being mindful helps us avoid negative emotions and gives us perspective on our surroundings.
5. Meditation
Meditation is a great way to train the brain to focus on only a single subject for extended periods of time. Instead of having many thoughts running through our mind, we can use meditation to clear our heads and open ourselves up to others. Practicing meditation forces us to completely shut out distractions and allows us to gain insight into our own thoughts.
6. Visualization
When we visualize something, we are mentally replaying a memory in our mind’s eye. Since visualization is mental, we cannot feel pain while doing it. We can replay a painful event over and over again and remain unaffected by it.
7. Creativity

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