What’s the Deal with Detox Diets?

if we are looking at detoxing our bodies, what should we be doing? There are many different types of diets out there that claim to improve your health and well-being. Here are some tips to help keep you healthy while using a detox diet!
1. Drink plenty of water – This tip should go without saying; however, people tend to not drink enough water. If you are feeling dehydrated, then you need to make sure that you are drinking 8 glasses of H20 each day. If you don’t have time to do this, then try drinking a glass prior to eating meals so that you can avoid getting too hungry.
2. Eat lots of fruits & vegetables – Another common mistake is not consuming enough produce. Make sure that you eat at least five servings per day, but even better would be seven to eight servings per day. Try to include different colored veggies in order to get different colors into your diet.
3. Avoid eating meat – Most experts agree that meat contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. While you may love bacon and sausage, they are not good for overall health. People who choose to use a vegan diet (those who eliminate animal products) often feel healthier and lose weight faster than those who follow other diets. However, vegans must make sure to
consume adequate protein from foods like tofu and beans to maintain their muscle mass and
prevent leanness.
4. Get a jumpstart on spring cleaning – One thing that you want to do before starting a detox diet
is clean out the pantry and refrigerator. Your body needs the right amount of vitamins and minerals
to function properly. Foods that contain preservatives and additives can clog up the system and
cause problems. Also, remove any food items that have expired. Some people find that they
experience digestive issues after consuming certain foods, so it’s best to remove them from their
diet completely.
5. Start easy – Once you start a detox diet, you might find yourself wanting to skip ahead. Be
smart about it! Don’t start the diet off too fast. Instead, ease into it slowly. You’ll also want to give
yourself a break once in a while. Go out to dinner, or simply relax with a movie. Just stay active
and enjoy life, and you’ll be fine!

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