1. Eggs
Eggs are a great food to eat if you’re looking to add protein to your diet. Studies have revealed that people who eat eggs regularly tend to stay leaner than those who do not. Eggs are high in both cholesterol and protein, making them a wonderful addition to your daily meal plan.
2. Nuts
Nuts are a great way to get some extra fiber and protein in your day. Almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, pecans — the list goes on! — are all rich sources of protein. Try eating one handful of nuts each day, or go for a larger portion for weight management purposes.
3. Lean Meats
Lean meats like turkey breast and chicken breast are a great, low-calorie option for breakfast. Eaten alone or paired with fruit, they provide plenty of fiber and protein without adding much fat. If you want even better nutrition, try adding some avocado to make your meat sandwich a complete package. Avocados are packed full of nutrients, including vitamin C, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.
4. Fish
Fish offers a lot of omega fatty acids, which are known to help promote heart health. Salmon is perhaps the best choice of fish due to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, while trout contains slightly less. Eating fish at least twice per week is recommended — and don’t forget about the skin! Fish skin provides a healthy dose of vitamins A and E, and contains around 1/3 fewer calories than the raw fish itself.
5. Beans
Beans are a great snack option, thanks to their high content of fiber. Black beans are thought to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, while adzuki beans have been shown to improve blood pressure in certain individuals. You can enjoy beans any time of day — just be sure to prepare them properly for maximum nutritional value. To maximize their flavor, rinse and drain canned beans before using.
6. Whole Grain Bread
Whole grain bread tends to be higher in fiber than refined white bread, which can help keep you feeling fuller longer. You should aim to consume at least five slices of whole wheat bread each day. Whole grains offer several nutritional benefits, including higher amounts of B vitamins and iron.
7. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate may seem indulgent, but it’s actually filled with good stuff. Rich in flavonoids, dark chocolate helps fight inflammation and increases circulation, which can lead to reduced weight gain. Small studies suggest that regular dark chocolate consumption can reduce insulin resistance, which makes chocolate a great pre-workout snack.
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