Popular Diet Plans

  1. Vegan diet plan
    The vegan diet is based on the premise that animals should not be killed, eaten, or used for human gain. A vegan diet excludes all forms of animal products including meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and any other animal-derived food. In this way, the vegan diet is distinguished from vegetarian diets, which allow some kind of animal product use. Vegans often cite ethical reasons for their lifestyle choice, believing that animals have rights like humans do. Additionally, vegans believe that consuming non-animal foods perpetuates environmental destruction and cruelty towards animals. The term vegan was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, who promoted the philosophy through his book, What about Animals?
  2. Mediterranean diet plan
    This low-fat diet is characterized by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, olive oil, seafood, and red wine. This type of diet emphasizes healthy fats and proteins, while limiting carbohydrates and sweets. Studies show that people following the Mediterranean diet are less likely to die from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
  3. Macrobiotic diet plan
    Also known as the macrobiotic diet, the macrobiotic diet encourages the consumption of whole grains, beans, produce, tofu, sea vegetables, and natural sweeteners. This diet promotes slow digestion and good health.
  4. Vegan
    Vegan diet plans are among the most popular diets that people follow today. This type of diet involves the elimination of any foods derived from animal products like meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, seafood, etc. Many vegans find this way of eating to be a lifestyle choice because it helps them live in tune with their beliefs. A vegan diet can be great for your health if followed properly. In fact, some studies have shown that vegans have lower prevalence of heart disease. However, the drawbacks of following a vegan diet include the lack of certain vitamins and minerals.
  5. Vegetarian
    A vegetarian diet plan includes foods from animals but excludes those derived from animal sources. Most vegetarians choose not to consume meats, poultry, and seafood, although some may eat these products in moderation. Some vegetarians try to eliminate all foods derived from animal sources like milk, cheese, eggs, and other animal-based ingredients. But, again, many vegetarians do eat foods derived from animals like soy products, nuts/seeds, and legumes. Because of this, they still benefit from a healthy vegan diet.
  6. Mediterranean Diet
    The Mediterranean Diet Plan differs from both the vegan and vegetarian diets. Unlike the former two diets, it does not exclude any food groups, including dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc. Rather, it emphasizes the consumption of olive oil, whole grains, and legumes. The Mediterranean Diet has been associated with longevity due to its low-fat content. While it is difficult to adhere to the Mediterranean Diet without having access to fresh foods, research shows that it decreases the risk of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension.